Bundle Up!
I recently posted on the MarketingU Facebook page about a quick way to calculate your max income if you’re trading hours for dollars. The take-away was that it’s a good idea to identify other ways to add value to your clients beyond an hourly rate so your income level...
Celebrate your 2012 Leap!
Image:Silhouettes Of Couple Jumping by Tanatat from FreeDigitalPhotos.net 2012 was a Leap Year. Did you leap? In your life? In your business? Do you make resolutions or choose a guiding word for each year? I’ve been doing the latter for a few years now and have...
Shop Local.
Black Friday, Cyber-Monday, are you shopped out yet? In my community and across the country as indicated by my clipping from the images I got when I searched on “Shop Local”, there is a push forspending your money with small, local businesses. This past weekend, I...
This is not about the election
This is about one of the most commonly used marketing media vehicles for large consumer businesses- television. 2012 is the first year that the raw number of US households with televisions declined. Really. Of course, today, just because a household doesn’t have a...
The way we think. Predictable but irrational.
One of the best books that I’ve read in a while is Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. The premise is that while we don’t behave the way that economists would expect us to if we were simply profit-maximizing robots, we are still predictable in our irrational...
Wake up and love your coffee!
Let me tell you about my love affair. I love coffee. I have gone the decaf route a few times in my life (most recently a few months ago) and each time I’ve missed that extra bite (and kick) that the real stuff has. So, I’m back on the real stuff; buying...
It’s probably not too much TMI
I taught the first (of a series of two) Social Media Mastery workshop this week and one of my home-grown models was part of the curriculum: VISIBILITY + CREDIBILITY + PERSONALITY = PROFITABILITY If you’re familiar with Dr. Ivan Misner of BNI fame, you might...
How many calendars do you have?
So, although I only have one ‘calendar’ and I’m a fan of Google Cal in case you were wondering. I have lots of sub- calendaring that needs to get done so that I can have the terrific year that I want. In mid-September (after my summer wasn’t quite as stellar as I had...
Delivering Happiness: Revisted
Delivering Happiness (DH) was written by Tony Hsieh (CEO of Zappos) I read DH back in May. It was the first pick of the newly launched Biz-erkeley Book Club and I was excited to read it even though I wasn’t a Zappos customer. I’m one of the odd women who doesn’t adore...
Tell my about your first… target audience!
I work with many small business owners and when I start talking about ideal clients and target audiences I know that 9 times out of 10, I’m going to hear something like …. ‘well, anyone can be my client’. Of course, anyone can be your client, but...