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So, although I only have one ‘calendar’ and I’m a fan of Google Cal in case you were wondering. I have lots of sub- calendaring that needs to get done so that I can have the terrific year that I want.

In mid-September (after my summer wasn’t quite as stellar as I had hoped), I sat down and blocked out my vacation calendar for the rest of 2011 and for 2012. This week for example, I had pledged to keep client time to a minimum and I have no client time scheduled for next week at all. I’ve also scheduled August 2012 to be a quiet month client-wise.

For the past year, I’ve also been experimenting with On My Business scheduling. I must admit, I’m still not 100% compliant with any of my attempts.

Over Thanksgiving, I worked on my 2012 program calendar. It felt really great to get the details for the first half of the year firmed up and the general decisions about workshops throughout the whole year decided too.

This week, I’ve been working on my editorial calendar. Newsletter content, Facebook post ideas, blog ideas. I’m a little more loose with the specific dates of each idea (more like monthly theme ideas).

Next week, I’m going to formalize a bit more my 2012 marketing calendar. In theory, I should have probably done that before my editorial calendar, but since I’m loose with the latter, I think it will be okay.

I’ve also been contemplating a cash flow calendar now that I have one year of data from MarketingU under my belt.

What calendars do you have for your business?