Where did all the fun ads go?

Years ago, I used to record the SuperBowl on VHS tape.   Not to watch the game, but to be able to fast forward through those to watch the commercials (and show them to my students). Of course, these days I can find them on Youtube or compiled on other websites. I have...

$196.54 or $199 or $200? Pricing quirks.

I’m working on my Pricing for Profits online class this month and revisiting some of the primary research done in the field. I’m feeling a little bit like I’m back in grad school as I do some literature review of the work done on when and why to choose “just-below”...

Can doing my marketing be fun? Of course!

How is it going so far this year? Are you working your marketing plan? Do you have a plan yet? I offered several free consultations last week and worked with new clients who are ready to make 2015 their best ever. I love that feeling of promise and mapping out the...

I picked my word of the year!

 Lisa Cain Have you made any resolutions yet? For your personal life? For your business life? This will be the fifth year in a row that I’ve picked a theme word for my year. 2011 was YES! 2012 was LEAP for my business (it was a leap year after all) and PRACTICE for my...

What do you do when you get distracted?

Some weeks are harder.  I push to get a newsletter out every single week as I know that consistent advice and reminders to my audience are important for my business.   But some weeks are harder and nothing comes immediately to mind.  Or sometimes too many things come...