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How is it going so far this year? Are you working your marketing plan? Do you have a plan yet?

I offered several free consultations last week and worked with new clients who are ready to make 2015 their best ever. I love that feeling of promise and mapping out the first half of the year (or more) along with identifying the online and offline marketing efforts to make it all happen.

I’m also noticing how something as small as ‘points’ in a challenge can make a difference to my own motivation (I’m working on my next Udemy class as part of their January challenge and they’re awarding points for meeting milestones by certain deadlines). Have you thought of ways to make your marketing efforts more fun? Maybe points for yourself for every newsletter you send? Or for networking meetings? And every 100 or 1000 points you get a treat! I’m giving it a shot with my own plan. I’ve attended two networking meetings this week and had meetings with three prospects and followed up with an additional four people! Plus met two Udemy deadlines for my new class!

Here’s to a great 2015 with marketing fun in your future!