Marketing in the Wild: 4/20 Edition

Marketing in the Wild: 4/20 Edition

I’ve been thinking about documenting “Marketing in the Wild” for a few years.. There are so many good (and bad) examples of marketing efforts out there in the wild!  What have you seen that you’ve liked? thought worked? thought were terrible? A...
Is it time to change your price?

Is it time to change your price?

I’ve recently had some strategy calls with clients about their pricing. Pricing is tough for small service businesses because it’s often wrapped up in money mindset issues- both our own mindsets and our perception of our clients’ money mindsets....

Is it hard for you to ask?

I’ve been listening to the audio version of “The Art of Asking” by Amanda Palmer. I’m really enjoying it and learning about our challenges with asking and, conversely, how powerful asking can be. She has a chapter or two on her own and...

Trouble sleeping? yes, this is about marketing!

A week or two ago I opened up the CVS app and saw this. I laughed out loud when it popped up! If you noticed the top left corner, the time was 5:56 AM.  I am an early riser but I rarely open the CVS app at 5:56 am and some clever marketer figured that anyone opening...

Word of the Year 2022

Happy New Year! I hope this year is starting out well for you and that you’re intention or goal-setting process is working for you. I, like many, pick both a word of the year and set up a list of goals/intentions and ideas. The word works well as a touchstone...