Have you made any resolutions yet? For your personal life? For your business life? This will be the fifth year in a row that I’ve picked a theme word for my year.
2011 was YES!
2012 was LEAP for my business (it was a leap year after all) and PRACTICE for my personal life
2013 was FOCUS
2014 was STRETCH
and for 2015, it’s SAVOR.
Savor is so important for my personal life this year as my oldest daughter is a senior in high school. Each milestone and holiday this year is poignant as I realize that our family life will be quite different when she’s off at college. I’m constantly taking little snapshots in my mind of the girls giggling or being goofy at dinner. I’m savoring each of those moments and will continue to do that throughout 2015.
Now, for a little more honesty, I’m actually torn about adding a separate word for my business this year. I appreciate that when I have just one word, it serves as a touchstone and is easier to remember but I’m having trouble figuring out how savor can work for my business goals. For now, I think I’m going to try it out and see what I learn along the way. And, if it’s not working for me by mid-February, I can always add another word!
Also, here’s the original article by Christine Kane that inspired me to choose a word instead of a bunch of resolutions. [WOTY article]