Happy New Year!
I hope this year is starting out well for you and that you’re intention or goal-setting process is working for you. I, like many, pick both a word of the year and set up a list of goals/intentions and ideas. The word works well as a touchstone through the year though some years my picks are better than others! I have high hopes for RADIANT (esp definition 2)!
1a: radiating rays or reflecting beams of light
1b: vividly bright and shining : GLOWING
2: marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness; a radiant smile
Do you pick a word each year? What word did you pick?
I’m also working on my Workshop schedule for the first half of 2022 and I’d love your input. If you’ve got a few minutes, please take my quick survey to let me know what workshops you’d be interested in attending!
Wishing you a happy, prosperous and radiant 2022!