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Your email signature is the home to some valuable marketing real estate. Are you using your signature effectively?

Below is my current signature file. Some things that are working really well include:

  1. Using a p.s. (incredibly effective!) at getting people’s attention to something new and current.
  2. Having a question that will remind folks about what we offer (it is tied in to the first part of the p.s. as well).
  3. Specific links to new class registration (could be packages you offer or cool stuff you’re up to).
  4. A testimonial from a client.

All of these things together do get a bit long and I’m sure not everyone is reading the whole thing. However, considering adding one or more of these elements to your email signature allows you to include this marketing outreach with very little ongoing effort.

Do you need to learn how to set up your signature line?  I’m writing a tutorial for the Do It Section!

p.s. It’s time for Marketing Bootcamp:
Do you wish you could learn what MBA students learn?  Take a class at

Thanks for a GREAT consult today. I’m really excited to move forward and make the changes you suggested and do some outreach. Thanks so much for your help”- Workshop Student.

Lisa Cain, PhD

510.517.1935 [mobile]