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What inspires you for this new year?

Yep, inspire is my word for 2023!

I picked it because I want to be inspired and I also want to (hopefully) inspire others this year. One vehicle for both is the Small But Mighty business community.  I’ve already been inspired by the progress our members made in the second half of 2022.

I started Small But Mighty because I noticed that so often small business owners don’t have easy access to a supportive community.  We get caught up in providing our services to our clients and our day-to-day efforts that the bigger picture aspects of working ON our business rather than IN our business get forgotten.  A supportive community with weekly check-ins and marketing advice can help you to stay on track with those objectives.

I invite you to a free trial for one month to see if it’s a fit for you and your business.  Use this link to register and to be inspired and to inspire others!

Wishing you joy and prosperity in the new year!