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What can we talk about?

As we try and stay in front of prospective clients via social media, email marketing, and blogs, often one of the biggest challenges is coming up with the topics.

On the Free Q&A I hosted this past Tuesday, we brainstormed some ideas. First off, use the calendar.  February is Black History Month. Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, and Presidents Day are all coming up in the next week and a half.  You can also go for some of the more unusual days.  Did you know that the following food holidays are coming up in the next 2 weeks:

February 7: National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
February 9: National Bagels and Lox Day
February 9: Pizza Day
February 13: National Tortellini Day
February 18: Drink Wine Day
(you know that I went for two weeks so I could include “Drink Wine Day”!)

There is likely a tie-in for you and your business with one of those types of days every month or two.

Another go-to content option is to use someone else’s words – quotes!  Keep an open mind for these as you’re reading for work or pleasure. Or search for quotes on topics that are relevant for your business.

Product/service highlights and case studies are ideal to show how you help your clients solve their problems and can do the same for potential clients.  Testimonials as part of these add the social proof that humans like when we’re making choices.

What will you be talking about in the upcoming weeks?