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We’re heading into the Thanksgiving holiday week!  
It’s one of my favorite times of the year. Usually, there’s a moment where I’m at the table after the turkey and sides, but before dessert, when I look around and feel so incredibly grateful. Happy and healthy family and friends enjoying chatting (and now we’ve added some singing) with each other on a fall day.

And yet, it’s also this time of year when I review what I’ve accomplished and what’s fallen short this past year. What do I imagine for 2020? What will my new inspirational word be for the upcoming year?

Can I hold the gratitude and the impatience for more at the same time?  Actually, I don’t think I can do anything other than that!  I love to dream, imagine and create a new version of myself and my business and don’t want to stop doing that even if in any moment I’m grateful and content.

What are you grateful for from this past year?  What do you want to change for 2020?