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Today is the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashana, and one of the traditions is to eat apples and honey.  For a sweet, new year.

I am always interested in the symbolism of things and how one thing can be symbolic of several different ideas.  For example, apples also remind us of fall, school and teachers, staying healthy, the garden of Eden, and there might even be more!

Similarly, in this election season, social media, and Facebook in particular, can remind us of connecting with friends, sparring with political opponents (who hopefully remain friends), marketing by candidates and other entities, both large and small and sharing our own joys, sorrows and travels.

For the small business owner, Facebook can be an important and useful tool for building your community, your tribe.

The first workshop of our upcoming series on Facebook marketing is THIS Wednesday, October 5th at 4:30pm.  If you’re interested in learning more about both free and paid options for using Facebook in your marketing, join Sue Kearney of Magnolias West and me for an upcoming series of workshops.  You can come to one, two or all three to learn how to get the most out of your money and, more importantly, for small business owners, your time!

Promo Code: MU15 for 15% off
Learn more about the series and register here.