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A friend and former client posted on Facebook that she had just arrived in Cherbourg, France.  I immediately thought of parapluies (umbrellas) and then my mind went to the movie (see the poster above).  I was not yet born when this movie was released in 1964, but I saw it sometime in the late 1990s (I think).  And honestly, I don’t really remember that much of the plot line but the name stuck with me and so the mention of Cherbourg makes me think of umbrellas!

Movies, brands, and politicians are able to leverage these types of word associations so that we have a positive (hopefully) feeling about them and we’re reminded of why we want to see the movie, buy the brand or vote for the politician. What associations do you want your clients and prospects to have with your brand? Are they included in your tagline?  On your website? In your other marketing communications?

Are there ways that you can cultivate those connections so that they’re stickier?  Repetition is one way (I think my husband has reminded me of parapluies a few times in the 15 plus years since we saw the movie).  Just the right amount of differentiation is useful too.

How are your marketing communications going? Do you want help finding your way? Let’s schedule a free 30-minute consultation to see if I can help you find the right parapluie for your business!

p.s. it happens to be raining here in Berkeley today so this is especially fitting.