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Last week I wrote about keeping things tiny (habits), this week, it’s about playing big.  Or not.

I read Playing Big by Tara Mohr several months ago.  I enjoyed her style and the message but I’ve been struggling with understanding the message for ME. I have also been framing many choices lately in the language of ‘does it bring me joy?’  (thanks to Marie Kondo, author of the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up).   And therein lies the tension and struggle.   In my early morning journaling, I realized that the idea of playing big doesn’t bring me joy.

I like life in the small moments.  I find joy in the one-on-one connection with a client.   I take a mental snap shot of my daughters giggling and being goofy at the dinner table.   I love the phone message from a client as she plays bigger and shares her joy in her new adventure.

If playing big is being true to yourself, I encourage it and certainly support clients who are ready and want to take that next step.   If, however, you’d like to maximize your opportunities on a smaller scale, I can help with that too.   Choosing the small moments and feeling no shame let alone feeling good about it is no small feat in our bigger is better culture.