My daughters and niece- 2 summers ago!
Summer has never been my favorite season. I have always favored Fall with it’s crisp air, new beginnings, starting school year and sweater-wearing. I love a lazy beach week as much as anyone else, but only if I can read (alot) and hang out with family and friends.
As my daughters just finished their school year today, I’m thinking about what our summer will entail. Camps for them, a family vacation, and plenty of marketing for my business. I was talking to a client today about how we can use technology to allow us to schedule things like blogs; Facebook posts and more. Summer is a great time to practice and build our marketing muscles and habits so we end the year in great shape.
My current list of summer to-dos includes giving this website a facelift; updating the copy throughout; finishing up two more course products and streamlining some of my own marketing processes. I have been developing some marketing muscles with the Biz-erkeley Book Club and my monthly free Q&A calls. Both of these allow me the opportunity to talk to other fabulous business owners about how they can implement change and be more effective.
How are your marketing muscles doing? What can you do to give them a boost this summer?