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Sometimes I write About Writing
A little riff on jaunts and posts
I get Gretchen Rubin's (author of several books including The Happiness Project) weekly newsletter. This week she wrote "A quest is more fun than a jaunt.." when describing her daily visits to the Met museum. That got me to thinking, is a quest more fun than a jaunt?...
Here’s what I’m reading… how about you?
What's on your reading list these days? Also, 'how' are you reading? I'm fascinated by my own modes of reading lately. I didn't use to listen to audiobooks very often but I now walk for about 40 minutes every day and listening to podcasts and audiobooks has become...
Marketing in the Wild: Subject Lines
Mailchimp (and other email marketing platforms) allow you to test open rates or click rates based on Subject Lines (or other variables). I recommend taking advantage of this if your version of Mailchimp (paid or grandfathered in with this feature) allows it so...